What is Dengue?

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is considered as one of the acute febrile diseases caused by one of the four closely related virus serotype of the genus flavivirus. It can be transmitted by Aedes Aegypti mosquito to humans usually attacking during the day. One will experience onset of fever, severe headaches, muscle and joint pains which will give name to Breakbone Fever or Bonecrusher. Dengue is the most common mosquito-borne viral disease of humans that in recent years has become a major international public health concern. Globally, 2.5 billion people live in areas where dengue viruses can be transmitted. The geographical spread of both the mosquito vectors and the viruses has led to the global resurgence of epidemic dengue fever and emergence of dengue hemorrhagic fever (dengue/DHF) in the past 25 years with the development of hyperendemicity in many urban centers of the tropics